
<The magic of the white snake>(21/34)

2017-08-10 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版

Xian was trapped.

His greatest fear was that through him Suzhen would be forced under  the control of the villain(坏人).

I must study each and every(每一个) detail of  his habits.Every creature has its weakness-even a scoundrel(无赖) like Fa Hai.There must be a way to escape from this  prison.

Xu xian had meanwhile gained complete  control over himself again.

There is no  need to let him know  about this,Xian thought by himself.

He came to the conclusion to appear most naive(天真的) and fanciful(想象的) in front of his captor(捉他的人) to delude(欺骗) him into a false sense of security(防范),thereby(因此) giving himself the opportunity to slip(溜走) from his grasp and to escape from his power.

Surely,he would find a way to freedom…

The break of dawn had already begun.

He’s gone!Bai  Suzhen had a premonition(预感) of evil upon seeing the empty armchair.

She looked outside and in all rooms of  the house.

How on earth could she have left her Xian  unwatched for a such a long time?

She shook Xiao Qing who was still peacefully sleeping.

Wake up,Qing,Xian is gone!

She could hardly compose(使镇静) herself.

It is completely my fault.How could I sleep so  long?Xian was not at all yet in his right mind.

No,you should not accuse(自责) yourself-after such a long journey and in your  consitition,Xiao Qing tried to calm her friend, We must try to find him. That should be not be too  diffcult.I’m  just afraid that he might find himself in a dangerous situation.

Yes,you are right,Suzhen  relpied, It’s senseless to waste time wallowing(沉迷)  in  self-reproach(自责) while my poor Xian is possible in danger.

Quickly,she drank only a cup of  water,wrapped a long thin silk scarf around her neck and stepped toward the  door.

I have to leave,dear Qing,There’s no time to lose.I’ll  try to get in contact (联系)with Xian through thoughts.That will lead me to  him.I feel that he is in great danger.keep well(保重,再见).

NoSuzhen,I will certainly not let you go  alone.Not under any circumstance(条件,说不定)!It is quite possible that you may need my help.

Suzhen smiled as Qing grabbed her hand  left the house with her, Let’s go!

